Tuesday, December 31, 2019

7 Ways to Get Your Resume Past Applicant Tracking Systems

7 Ways to Get Your Resume Past Applicant Tracking Systems7 Ways to Get Your Resume Past Applicant Tracking SystemsWhat is an applicant tracking system and why is it so important to format your resume and get it past this robot after a job application?Here is the definition of an ATS to startApplicant Tracking System/pl?k?nttrk??s?st?m /nounTrickster robot designed to thwart job application efforts and deflect resumes into the recruitment black hole.Ok, I may have made that definition up. But if youve been a job seeker applying online to advertised positions with no luck, chances are an Applicant Tracking System is what youre coming up against.Unfortunately, in the modern job search world, the ATS has become a necessary evil helping recruiters narrow the influx of applications to only those that are relevant to the job. Here is an explanation on how to get around it.What Applicant Tracking Systems do to job seekersAn ATS scans your document and only highlights those who match a predef ined list of keywords, so the recruiter can find applicants with very specific skills for a very specific job.How do I know my resume will be read first by an ATS?If you are required to make a login ID, upload your resume, or fill out an online application, you can assume your resume will go through initial screening by a robot.With approximately 60% of medium and 75% of large companies using ATS, which eliminates up to 98% of applicants at the initial screening, its important you understand how to optimize your formatting and content to increase the chances of it being read by a pair of human eyes.Resume formatting fundamentals1. When listing your employment experiences, lead with the company name, followed by your job title, then a description and bullet point your key achievements. The date should always appear to the right of the company name for optimum reading by the ATS.2. Dont put your contact details in headers or footers. The ATS doesnt like this. The information can disap pear and you can become destined for application exile.3. Keep the typeface simple on your resume. Stick with Arial, Calibri or Cambria and use the same throughout (forget Times New Roman though. It is super outdated)4. The file naming convention should be your name and a keyword or two. For exampleBec OConnor.Civil Engineer.ResumeHeres how to spielblttchen up on clues in the content5. Mirror the job posting language in your resume. A good starting point is to copy and paste the job advertisement/description into a Word document.Highlight industry terms, buzzwords, skills, and jargon the hiring manager uses most frequently in the description.Pepper your summary, skills section and experience with the same, as long as its in the context of your true skills and experience as they apply to the role. Dont be telling porky pies6. Spell-check and spell-check again Reading your resume backward is a weird and wonderful way to pick up on errors you may otherwise miss.7. Tailor every single r esume whether its going through an ATS or elendMy final piece of adviceWith all that said, my final piece of advice, which might render everything I just told you pointless, is thisDo not invest your time and energy into responding to advertised job postings onlineJob postings can be a useful research tool in your job hunt but if you rely on them as your sole strategy, you will be sorely disappointed.Why did you need to know all about the ATS?Knowledge is power. And if youre not getting any bites lately in your job search, I want you to know why and how to adapt.To truly take control of your search, youll need to define and narrow your target. What does your ideal role look like? What are your coveted companies?Once thats clear, you can tailor and create a powerful professional brand through your resume and LinkedIn, and redirect your time and energy into engaging your network.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Write an Irresistible First Resume in 5 Easy Steps

Write an Irresistible First Resume in 5 Easy StepsWrite an Irresistible First Resume in 5 Easy Steps Writing aresume is easy - writing a good first resume, however, is something else entirely, especially when its your first time putting one together. While anyone can pull up a Word document, slap on the names of the past few companies theyve worked at, and add a handful of bullet points about what they did while they were there, that aloneisnt enough to capture the attention of recruiters . With recruiters reviewing dozens of resumes at a time (often for only six seconds or fewer ) yours needs to clearly stand out from the pack.But having a resume that stands out isnt about fancy templates, or an eye-catching design . While those may be icing on the cake, what recruiters really care about is the substance how well you present the information they care about in a clear and compelling way. Few people know this better than J.T. ODonnell, Founder & CEO of career a dvice site Work It Daily , whos spent the better part of her career advising candidates on how to find and land their dream jobs. Shes pored over thousands of resumes throughout the years - and as a result, she knows what works and what doesnt.ODonnell gave ussome insight into the top resume trends and best practices of the moment. With these tips, yourresume can go from regrettable to unforgettable - a sure-fire way to start your career off on the right foot.Adding an objective statement to your resume is a recommendation given at career centers around the nation, but according to ODonnell, its largely a relic of the past. Recruiters dont want to hear what you want as your next job - instead, its much mora about convincing them that youre the right fit. What we have job seekers do is put two columns at the top of key skill sets whatever the skill sets are that you see these companies are hiring for, whether its marketing, or theyre looking for Microsoft Office, you just have two columns right at the front and center with your top six to eight skills, ODonnell recommends. Make sure to include any relevant degrees or certifications as well, she advises. A lot of recruiters are told to consider somebody with this degree, this certification, this skill set, so making me hunt all over the resume for that is annoying . If I see that right at the top of the resume, youve just inspired me to want to keep reading, ODonnell says.After your skills summary, its time to detail your work history and experience. List each company youve worked for (you can also list your involvement with school organizations, like a team sport or universittsgelnde newspaper) along with your title, the dates you worked there, and several bullet points that describe your key accomplishments and responsibilities. Wherever possible, you should attempt to quantify that experience , ODonnell says.Numbers make a huge difference. If you can quantify what you did in any way, you should. We kn ow that the human eye processes numbers faster than words and they help me as a recruiter give context to the size and scope of the work that you did, she explains.Dont be discouraged even if, as someone whos relatively new to the workforce, you dont have a lot of experience directly related to the position youre applying for. Quantifying your experience works just as well for a summer gig in foodservice or retail as it does at a high-profile internship .For example, if I worked in an ice cream parlor for the summer, I would say Served 50-100 customers per day and handled a cash register that totaled over $1,000 a day in sales. Those two numbers give me an immediate impression that you probably werent at a single ice cream stand by yourself, and its probably a big organization. Not to mention, it sounds a whole lot better than just saying something like, Scooped ice cream for customers lastsummer.Facts and figures are a must-have, but its nice to balance those out with afew persona l detailsas well so recruiters can get a sense of your whole self. ODonnell suggests including this information in an additional experience section at the end of your resume.Additional experience is a catch-all section in the end where you talk about volunteer experience , awards youve won, or maybe there are special things youve accomplished - you do Iron Mans or marathons or some kind of thing like that, she says. You certainly dont want this information to be the primary focus of your resume - skills and experience should always be front and center, since theyre ultimately what recruiters care about the fruchtwein - but leaving theextras out means you might miss an opportunity to showcase some of the qualities you want highlighted, demonstrate culture fit , and bond with recruiters (you never who might have the same hobbies and interests that you do).Once youve written the bulk of your resume, its time to refine it. Go through and check for spelling and grammar as well as fo rmatting. One critical element is making sure that you have enough white space on your resume, ODonnell says.Your resume is going to have a lot of white space and it might look really basic, but it should because recruiters spend six seconds on it. The eye works in a Z-pattern, so remember that and dont think that you need to fill the page and pretend youre something that youre not , she explains. A few things to avoid, ODonnell adds, include full justification - its a big no-no, really hard to read. The other big thing is fancy fonts or curly tail fonts. Theyre very hard to read, and studies show that the human eye cant absorb them as fast as clean-line fonts. Beyond that, ODonnell says, fonts lower than 11 point have no place on your resume. 10 point or smaller is just too hard to read. And the last piece is margins. You should never have a margin smaller than .7 inches on either side if you held it away, youd go Oh look, its pretty, its organized, but it actually works against you when the recruiter is reading it up close.When trying to show why youd be the best fit for the job, its easy to get a little overzealous and list every minute detail you think might be relevant to a recruiter. But keeping your resume to a readable length is a must , or else many recruiters will simply gloss over it . You may have heard in the past that resumes should be kept to no more than one page, but ODonnell says theres a little more wiggle room now.The reality is that you can go to two pages as long as you create white space . When I see a one-pager but theyve got half-inch margins, nine-point font, and theyve tried to stuff everything on the page, its awful. So Id rather see you go to two pages as long as youve really created that white space since its easier for me to read, she explains. The exception to that is usually people in academia or science have a lot of papers and things that they have to cite and that can take up some bulk but aside from that no more than t wo.A good rule of thumb is keeping your resume long enough to convey all of the important details, but short enough to maintain a recruiters interest. If youre having trouble with length, avoid repetition and flowery language , and make sure that each word and sentence on the pageserves a clear purpose. After a round of revisions or two, you should be able to strike the perfect balance.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

High School Teacher CV Template Format

High School Teacher CV Template FormatHigh School Teacher CV Template FormatCreate this Resume ObjectiveDedicated and knowledgeable professional seeking to establish a class environment that will shape the learning and personality growth of the students.Personal InformationMark OConnell4202 Black Oak Hollow RoadSan Jose, CA 95113(666)-297-2306m.oconnellsampleresume.netDate of Birth May 6, 1979Place of Birth CACitizenship AmericanGender MaleProfile Summary Experienced in curriculum design Ability to work with students from diversified cultures Knowledgeable in enrichment programs Deep interpersonal skillsEducationMA in Education, 2004Colorado State University, Fort Collins, COBS in Education, 2002Colorado State University, Fort Collins, COEmployment HistoryHigh School Teacher II, 2007 PresentCalifornia State University Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CAResponsibilities Conducted classes in English, History, and Values Education subjects. Collaborated with other high School teachers in m odifying the current curriculum. Provided comprehensive educational training to students who are candidates for the National Examinations. Oriented transferees with school policies and regulations. Enhanced the students skills and knowledge by preparing interactive learning materials. Prepared students in college life by conducting career and course path assessments.High School Teacher I, 2006 2007California State University Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Participated in the organization of extracurricular activities such as sports festival, camping and educational trips. Taught 10 homebound secondary students. Monitored the attendance of the students. Assessed student performance at the end of every grading period. Assisted other faculty during class enrollment.ResearchHome Study as Alternative to Formal EducationTraining/CertificateSeminar in Command LiteratureAwardMost Outstanding Teacher, 2005Professional MembershipAssociation of Faculty VolunteersSkillsExcellent communication sk illsGreat interpersonal skillsSkilled in interpreting psychological examinationsGreat program facilitatorKnowledgeable in career advancements Customize ResumeMore CV SamplesHR Manager CV Internal Auditor CV Janitor CVJava Developer CV Journalist CV

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How to Succeed In A Work From Home Job

How to Succeed In A Work From Home JobHow to Succeed In A Work From Home JobRemote work is much more common today than it was even a few years ago. Although it has caught on with many, it can be a challenge. Human beings are social animals, so the lack of interactions with colleagues in the workplace can be a difficult adjustment for some to make. Staying motivated and productive can also be obstacles. Still, working from home can mucksmuschenstill be a rewarding experience. Here are a few ways you can make sure youre successful and thrive in your stay-at-home job. Get ready for work When you have an office job you have to get ready to go to work. Although it may seem irrelevant, taking a shower, brushing your teeth and getting dressed are important parts of a professionals day. These acts get you into the mindplatzdeckchen to be ready to work. When youre working remote there may be a temptation to just roll out of bed and start working in your pajamas. Although at first its not a bi g deal, after a few days of this routine, your days will start bleeding into one another, and eventually youll get burned out. To avoid this pitfall, make it your geschftsleben to get up early, get ready and dressed for your workday and eat a breakfast. This will ensure you have a defined work week and stay in the workday mind set during business hours.Get up and move aroundJust like in an office you must make a point to get up and move around during your day. Since youre in the comforts of home its easy to lose track of time and work through the day. But over time this can become a drag. So set aside a few minutes each hour or so to stand up, stretch your legs and give your eyes a break from the computer screen. While this is easy to remember to do in the office, with lunchtime and meetings, at home it can be a bit more challenging. But make it part of your daily routine, and you shouldnt have a problem. Eat wellDepending on how you stock your house with food, eating well isnt alwa ys easy when youre working from home. Especially if you dont keep a lot of food in the house. You may find yourself taking advantage of food delivery apps on your smartphone and adding a work-from-home-15-pounds.Rather than using your time at home to turn into a full-fledged couch potato, make a point to stock your house with some healthy snacks, breakfasts and lunches. Also, try to include some exercise in each day, whether before or after work. This will help keep yourself energized and in good spirits. notlage to mention there are a few health benefits Designated a workspaceAs attractive as it may be, when working remote you just cant work from the couch. Youll grow distracted, unproductive, or worse, fall asleep. So make a point to designate a workspace where you can get things done. Your space should have good lighting, a comfortable chair and the usual office accoutrements such as a phone, printer and so forth. Reserve your space just for work, so when you enter it you subcons ciously shift into work mode. This may sound a bit silly, but truth is, while youre working from home, if you have this set up it will make it easier to stay on task and be productive. Plus it will be easier for you to unplug at night. Establish boundariesOne of the biggest dangers of working from home, aside from being unproductive and distracted, is always working. When youre not in an office its hard for coworkers to know when youre on the clock or off. So theyll reach out with requests at all times unless you tell them otherwise. So make a point to establish your schedule early on and notify coworkers. Dont answer email all hours of the night, and dont be perpetually working. Instead set the times that youre going to be working, and during those times, be accessible. By having a quick response time, your colleagues will know they can depend on you when youre working.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

What your body language is saying about you during an interview

What your body language is saying about you during an interviewWhat your body language is saying about you during an interviewSometimes its the little things that sabotage your chance at a new career. Heres how to prevent body language from losing you a job offer.Everyone has physical habits they rarely elendice.In an interview setting, these nervous ticks offer a physical outlet for the stress youre under.But they come at a price. Rather than focusing on what youre saying or the experience youd bring, the hiring managers attention turns to your nail-biting or hair-twirling. The scariest part? You may not even realize youre doing it.Poor body language can send messages that youre incapable, nervous, or unhappyall adjectives you dont want an interviewer associating with you. An interviewermay forgive you for a subpar answer on the 5th question youre asked, but if your body language offers physical evidence you dont work well under pressure or youre not confident in your abilities? Its going to be hard to come back.Dont undermine how qualified you are with poor habits.Practice avoiding these common moves before they cost you your next job.SlouchingRemember when your mom would tell you to stand up straight? She was on to something.Slouching makes you look as though youre bored and disengaged, and leaning forward too much can make the interviewer feel crowded.Standing up straight instills a sense of confidence and ownership of the situation.To the interviewer, it makes you look taller, but also more capable and self-assured.SlumpingThink about the last social gathering you attended where you didnt know anyone. Did you cross your arms? Put your hands in your pockets?Crossing your arms or hunching over (which most of us have a habit of doing without realizing) can make you seem insecure. Although it can feel comforting to fold your arms in front of your chest, the movement sends a signal that youre uninterested or unapproachable in the conversation. Some even view it as aggressive.You want to appear open, approachable, and friendly during an interview.To avoid the hunch, remember to keep your arms relaxed by your side orhold your resume folio in your handsto prevent yourself from resorting to old habits. Having good posture throughout the interview will make you lookand actuallyfeelmore confident.Whether its tucking your hair behind your ear, touching your face, or tapping your foot, nervous gestures creep up out of nowhere.SmirkingYoull want to avoid rolling your eyes or giving any signs youre nervous or frustrated. But that doesnt mean you need to remain absolutely serious during an interview- you should definitely try to showcase your personality.An easy way to help break the ice is to smile. When you do, youre telling your tauglichkeit future employer in that 1) youre normal and 2) it would actually be fun to work with you on a daily basis. Most importantly, a smile will help you relax so you can present the best version of yourself.Fiddlin gWhether its tucking your hair behind your ear, touching your face, or tapping your foot, nervous gestures creep up out of nowhere. They can make you look distracted or, worse, showcase insecurity. Be self-aware. Take control by placing your hands on the table or on the armrest.Not sure how to act? One way to instill a sense of trust during an interview is to subtly mimic the movement of your interviewer. Without acting like a copycat, try to mirror your interviewers body language. If your interviewer is leaning forward during the conversation, lean slightly forward as well to show youre interested in what she has to say. This subtle technique shows youre on the same team.HandshakingYour handshake alone can set the stage for the rest of the interview. No pressureA too-firm handshake can signal youre overcompensating. A too light handshake hints at a lack of confidence. If you offer a weak handshake during a high-pressure situation like an interview,the interviewer might wonder how y oud handlemeeting an important stakeholder. Practice makes perfect so try some mock introductions with friends or family to get it right.And dont be afraid to be the first person to extend your hand. A strong handshake is one of the few ways to appropriately touch someone in a corporate setting, and it can instill a sense of kindness and warmthif done right.A word on eye contactThink about the last few conversations you had. Did anyone stare at you for too long? Did they frequently look away? What was your gut reaction about that person?Maintaining eye contact with your interviewer demonstrates youre confident and can hold your own in a conversation, but staring too long can feel unnatural. If you consistently avert your interviewers gaze, your interviewer may find cause for concerna shifty gaze signals you cant be trusted.Find the happy medium (eye contact about 70 percent of the time) that will demonstrate your emotional intelligence without scaring anyone away.At its worst, poor body language can send a message that were incapable of the task at hand. When your dream job is on the line, you dont want to risk losing out because you crossed your arms at the wrong time.Create a neutral canvas togive yourself the best startfor your next great opportunity.This article was originally published on Career Contessa.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Mystery of Resume for Bank Tellers No One Is Talking About

The Mystery of Resume for Bank Tellers No One Is Talking About The History of Resume for Bank Tellers Refuted Among the biggest requirements for a little company is capital. Its rather rare that you find your perfect undertaking, the exact same is true for corporations looking for their ideal candidate. Though a concern of fact, regarding the average, nearly all the recruiters wont hunt for at least 6th mere seconds at a continue. Low-skill manufacturing jobs have been disappearing in the United States, mostly as a result of automation. Resume objectives could be a bit controversial. In our instance, the applicant is very talented at working with customers. The One Thing to Do for Resume for Bank Tellers Resumes ought to be constantly improved, custom-made and edited as a means to coincide with the prerequisites of the task seeker. They might be organized in various ways. Too many resumes are in reality wordy and difficult to check out. Composing resumes might be very tiresome and time-consuming. If youre searching for work, may rely on only one solution to discover jobs. As a very first step, have a look at a number of the subsequent jobs, which are real jobs with real employers. Inform everyone youre aware that youre looking for employment. Writing a continue to find employment in the artwork market can be hard. The Ugly Side of Resume for Bank Tellers As a consequence, though your job application objective should incorporate information on the career that you want, additionally you should explain why youre the ideal candidate for the job. If you are in possession of a whole lot of experience, utilizing a resume profile or an overview of qualifications to kick off your resume is fantastic. Also referred to as an expert profile, its utilized to concisely organize what value you bring a prospective employer. Not every employer will probably request or even let you offer a work application, while most if not all will need you to finish som e sort of resume. New Step by Step Roadmap for Resume for Bank Tellers Numerous events the ideal job prospect is screened out as a consequence of poor job application. On the flip side, if youre in demand of work, and you just will need to discover any job working for a certain firm, you might earn a personalized objective for each job that you apply for. The exact last thing you plan to do is usually receive a job which you cant do. You will be judged if youre excellent for the work depending on the typical of your job application thus the value for its brilliance. Life After Resume for Bank Tellers Ability to pay off the loan is measured concerning cash flow and revenues. If youre planning to apply to get a new job, you should check an effective Bank Teller resume sample. In most instances, lenders overlook the company leistungspunkt history and prefer to get a peek at the operators credit history. Then at the right time of evaluation, the lending institution will assess whether the business has sufficient cash flow to deal with repayment. Your employer would like to be sure the security of the banks money in your care. A detailed small business outline will supply the lenders with a very clear picture of where you would like to take the company and how youll use the funds. Not just that, but should you ever seek out employment away from the bank, listing on your resume youve worked at bank will offer you a lot of credibility. You, for example let them know of different chances in the bank that they could not know of. To get a professional resume built, youll need to devote a considerable amount of money. On the smallest amount, you always have to list a present job in the event you have one. Highlight in your resume youve taken money management subject and you had a superior grade within it. Using Resume for Bank Tellers While bank teller jobs can act as a great way to enter the area of finance, its important that you demonstrate that you have the required skills to serve as the surface of the branch. Furthermore, you can look for bank teller jobs on Monster. Possessing a job for a bank teller is a great job to have for several explanations. Landing a job for a bank teller is fantastic as its respectable work with a good salary that needs no experience (although experience is excellent too). A positive feedback from your reference is a fantastic possibility to acquire the bank teller position. To put it differently it isnt really hard to discover what you ought to be getting paid as a teller. Specifically, you mentioned needing a seasoned bank teller thats efficient but detailed, and has the capability to work immediately without supervision.

Monday, December 2, 2019

3 Winning Video Interview Secrets From President Obama

3 Winning Video Interview Secrets From President ObamaFor months, you couldnt turn your head without seeing a political ad. In election season, politics is everywhere and political debates are on the tip of every tongue. Now, America has finally voted and chosen to re-elect President Barack Obama to a second term. You dont get elected as President of the United States, or fight a prolonged campaign against Governor Mitt Romney, without learning a thing or two.As an employer, you might bedrngnis be looking to win an election, but you are looking to land the perfect employee. Unlike Obama, youre not battling just one candidate but a field of qualified applicants eager and hungry for the job. This September, there were approximately 3.4 unemployed people for every open position. In a healthy economy, this average should be closer to 2-to-1.So how can you tell the superstar candidates from the duds in a video interview? How do you elect the right person for the job? Maybe you should take a page out of the winning playbook of President Obama. You might not be offering candidates an oval office, but the competition for your open positions is still sure to be fierce.Here are some tips from Obamas winning presidential bid to help you snag the right candidateKnow Your BrandIn President Obamas victory speech, he repeated the word forward several times. Its no mystery why, considering forward was his catchphrase for the 2012 election cycle. This brand was repeated to let voters know Obama is focused on the future and improving the lives of million of Americans.Just like Obama, you should realize the importance of your employer brand. You might not be putting up lawn signs, but the way your company brands itself is an important component in attracting the right candidates. Make sure your career page is adequately telling the story of your company and why interested candidates should want to work there.Be familiar with your company culture, and be able to sell this culture in the video interview. The easiest way to make sure youre winning the candidates your company needs to move forward is to stress why they would want to work at your organization.Know Your BasePresident Obamas engaged and active kusine was a big factor in winning the election. He sent out email after email to keep his supporters informed, passionate, and donating to his campaign. Obamas campaign realized connecting with the voters was an important way to keep him ahead in the polls.Like Obama, its important to campaign for your company. Make sure to stay connected with your base of interested applicants and potential candidates. Take to social media to connect with candidates, it will help keep your company in the forefront of their minds. Tap into talent communities, which are the places your talent gathers online to share stories and swap advice.Once youve connected with a base of talented candidates, youll have an attractive pipeline you can mine when a position opens up. Youll h ave plenty of people who will be both qualified and excited to connect with your company in the video interview.Dont Be Afraid To Be PassionatePresident Obama wasnt afraid to show his passion in his second presidential campaign. One of the most common observations about Mitt Romney was that he often seemed too calm and collected.Just like in presidential politics, a little passion can go a long way when convincing top talent that your company is a great place to work. Dont hold back in the video interview, let potential candidates know exactly what makes your company so special. If top talent can see how passionate you are about the company, they will be excited to join an organization with truly engaged employees.Your jobs might not come with a White House or an Oval Office, but this doesnt mean you cant attract presidential-level talent. Just take some of these winning tips from President Obama and youll be on your way to finding the superstars your company needs.What are some hir ing tips you can take from the campaign of President Obama? Share in the commentsIMAGE Courtesy of Flickr by rod.rudloff