Thursday, November 28, 2019

How to Advance Your Career at Your Current Company -The Muse

How to Advance Your Career at Your Current Company -The MuseHow to Advance Your Career at Your Current CompanyWe have some exciting news to share with you Starting in June, were going to launch a new column modeled after the Ask a Career Coach feature. Ask a Recruiter, intended to be your go-to destination for all recruiter-related queries, is now accepting submissions Got a burning question about job searching? This is your chance to get insider intel.Hi Anna, Ive been working at my organization for nine months now, and its my first job post-grad. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity, but while Ive learned a lot, Im getting antsy- I feel ready to take my skills to the next level.I work for a large company, one that provides tons of opportunity for professional development, but Im afraid that Ill slip through the cracks and be stuck in my current position for a long time. I honestly dont know how I can get my name noticed because so many of my colleag ues are talented and successful theyre also interested in the same opportunities as me.I would love to know if you have advice for how I can make myself stand out. How can I show my initiative, drive, and passion for the field against those who may have been here longer or who have mora experience? I look forward to hearing from you Signed, Longing to Get NoticedDear Longing to Get Noticed,I am so glad youre taking responsibility for your own career success because the fact is successful people create this for themselves- it doesnt just miraculously happen.Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you determine where you need to focus your efforts to get ahead and get noticed1. Does Your Manager Know You Want Growth Opportunities?People arent mind readers, and you cant expect your manager to know that youre eager to advance your career as soon as humanly possible. Not everyone wants to be in a leadership role or climb the ladder, or even stay at one company for a long per iod, so its essential that you communicate your desire to move up and grow to your boss. If the Answer Is NoSet up a meeting with your manager, explain that you feel prepared for greater responsibility and more challenges, and ask what you need to do to get promoted.And be open to feedback. If your boss doesnt have the exact reaction youre hoping for, thats OK. The important thing is that youve expressed your commitment and ambition- you may have a good deal more work to do before a promotion is on the table. 2. How Many People Do You Know Within Your Company?You cant get promoted if no one knows you. Typically, your boss only has so much control over how and when you advance to the next level. If you havent gotten comfortable with the humblebrag, nows the time. Just because your teams aware of your hard work, it doesnt mean the people at the top are. Even if your managers fully on board to promote you, if none of the higher-ups who need to approve it know who you are, you probably wont get very far. If Your Answer Is Very FewYou need to strategically build your network- yes, in house- and get to know as many people at your company as you can. Its not enough to be close with your department. So, reach out to various members of the organization to grab a coffee. Developing relationships with people on different teams (or with your bosss boss) is key to getting your name out there. 3. Are You Providing Extra Value to Your Company or Are You Just Doing Your Current Job?Have you brought in new clients or additional revenue? How about helped the company grow? Being prepared to present your accomplishments when seeking a promotion is required. And if youre concerned that you dont yet have anything impressive to show off, dig deeper You dont have to wait for your companys permission to learn a new skill or tackle a problem thats not a part of your day-to-day work. If Your Answer Is I Dont Think SoReview your companys revenue goals and determine how your job plays int o its increases- never underestimate the bottom line. Then, determine actions you can take to increase that number. Can you draw up a fresh client pitch? Discover a new way to grow brand awareness? No matter what your job is, theres almost always something you can do to make a difference in the big picture goals.If you give it time and still find that theres no upward movement- or, worse, that someone else snagged a promotion you were eyeing, you may want to explore opportunities elsewhere. But if you like your company, you should definitely try the suggestions above before just calling it quits. This article is part of our Ask an Expert series- a column dedicated to helping you tackle your biggest career concerns. Our experts are excited to answer all of your burning questions, and you can submit one by emailing us at editor(at)themuse(dot)com and using Ask a Credible Career Coach in the subject line.Your letter may be published in an article on The Muse. All letters to Ask an Expe rt become the property of Daily Muse, Inc and will be edited for length, clarity, and grammatical correctness.

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